Monday 30 October 2017

Candy Corn Day

Has it ever occurred to you while browsing your favourite sites like Wikipedia, Facebook or 9gag, that you encountered information about an ''international skirt day'' or ''no bra day'' or some other equally bizarre holiday? Surely it has happened you. Today for example, according to timeanddate we should be celebrating a Candy Corn Day.
Every time I find out about another weird and absurd holiday I'm asking myself one simple question:

Why on Earth one day someone looked at candy corn and thought: ''I genuinely love candy corn, let's establish a candy corn day!'' and so he did.

The purpose of this blog is a closer look at these ''international'' and ''national'' absurd made-up days (btw. I'm curious if an ''absurd day'' already exists...). By ''closer look'' I don't mean to talk especially about that particular holiday but to consider it rather as a pretext to deal with something bigger. Also as a nearly graduated historian, I'd like to focus more specifically on the social and historical background of weird holidays. Hence if I write about a ''skirt day'' I will feel free to treat also of themes like female emancipation or dress code in working places.
See you later in few days!
And you, what is the weirdest holiday you've heard of?